Happy Birthday Skylar Ryan Meares

4 years ago on November 7th 2005, God blessed me with a healthy and precious baby boy. I am so blessed to be Skylar’s mommy….my life had been going down a very rough and windy road and God literally picked me up and set me on the path that he wanted me on and I am so very grateful for that. I know that nothing happens in God’s world my mistake and all his ways and plans are perfect and his timing is always right on.

Skylar is such an amazing little boy. He is so full of life….he has the most amazing smile….his laugh just melts my heart…he loves his cars, his favorite bear and blanket….and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loves his mommy and daddy. He is so full of life and I am just in awe that God chose me of all the other mothers in the world….to be his mommy. Josh and I have been through so much and God is just so wonderful to have restored our family...now we are expecting another little miracle...

Lord, thank you so very much for all you have given Josh, Skylar and I.

Happy Birthday Skylar Ryan Meares...Mommy and Daddy love you so very very much.

This was our first family photo...Skylar is 2 weeks old in this photo

Here is Skylar just shortly after being born...my baby boy is so precious

Yes, it's a boy

Here is Josh giving me some TLC while I was in labor....I was in labor for 19 hours...once my water broke and the epidural was inserted....he was here in no time at all

Here is a colage I did of his first 12 months...the many smiles and faces of my precious baby

This is still my favorite picture....he is so cute

Here he is laying on daddys chest....it was his first day at home....he is so beautiful

Sweet Baby

Oh yea....he was not too happy here....he was hungry and he let us all know about it.

All at the same time folks....AWWW...look at his precious little smile....I think it's one of those tootin smiles.. :-)

Big Yawns

So big!! This is such a cute little picture...he was so tiny....7 lbs 20.5 inches long

Skylar,Mommy and Daddy love you so very very very much. You are the sweetest little boy in the world. We are truly blessed that God picked us to be your mommy and daddy


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