Smith Family

I have never laughed so hard during a shoot....these three kids were great.
Mackenzie, Chase and Luke.......
Luke was a hoot...that boy was so you can see here in this picture....he was throwing himself out of the fram......It was awesome.......these kiddos are so full of life.....this is why I love shooting so much.....I get to capture it....Thank you God.

Awww Yeah!!!

Phil and Shelley Smith are so special........I guess you would consider Phil Josh's accountability partner and I am just so grateful for this man because when Josh was seeking advice before we got back together...Phil pointed him to honesty....and Josh opened his heart to me and that allowed God's purpose for our marriage to be restored......Thank you Phil for everything. We love you guys very much!!

A very sweet couple....God has a plan and a purpose and I know that there are big plans in the future for this family.

I was diggin Mackenzie's shoes...

Such a sweet girl

Luke.....has a bright a shining spirit

Chase.....full of life....and a little cutie

Three blessings....three times the fun....laughs.....and I'm sure they are a handful too....but my my....what a handful......I had a blast with these three.

Phil and Shelley, thank you both so much for all you do and for allowing me to be so blessed to take your family have a great family.
Love you!!!!


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