Addalynne Grace Meares

Wow, it's been a while since my last post. Let me see...where should I begin....7 weeks ago on November 9th, God blessed me with sweet Addalynne Grace Meares. She was 2 1/2 weeks early....she weighed 6lbs 12 oz and 19 inches long....and she is absolutely perfect in every way. I thought when I went on maternity leave that I would do all the little photo sessions with her....I had all these fantasies in my head of all these great pictures I would take....and well....lets just say that didn't happen....
I can tell you what did happen and what is still happening as I enjoy this last week with my baby girl....I have done a few pictures....I have not done much house cleaning....I have held....loved....kissed...snuggled....loved some more....kissed lots more....snuggled a ton....and loved loved loved on her...held her and just looked at her....and looked at the beautiful perfect creation that God blessed me with. I do the same when I see Skylar husband sleeping....I can't believe that the creator of the universe has chosen me to be a mother and!! I'm so don't get me is not always roses and perfect....I don't get a ton of sleep....I still get grumpy due to lack of sleep....but I'm only human....what I can say is that I am deeply deeply in love with my family.
So....below you will see this sweet precious little baby girl...that has stolen me out of the blogging world :-) As you look at her....can you blame me for not getting a darn thing done around here....LOL.....she's beautiful....and I can't believe I get to keep her....she is my daughter...and I will do my very best to take care of her just as I will do my best to take care of Skylar and Josh....and I will do it all with God's help because without him....I am nothing....There is nothing I have done or accomplished that I haven't done without him....
So without further a'dew
Miss Addalynne Grace Meares
10 days old here

4 Days old

4 days old

Here is our first family photo taken by my good friend Creel McFarland.


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